Kitchen Table, 75 X 65 cm
Photographie Nicolas Bomal, 2012

Displays - 02 septembre - 28 octobre 2012

IKOB - Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst
Rotenberg 12 B
4700 Eupen, Belgien
Curated by Francis Feidler

The concept of interior has played a significant role in the bourgeois aesthetic, and the concept of "good taste" still takes an important place in the family unit.The drawings of Sylvie Macias Diaz are proposals representing interior spaces: suggestions of different materials, laminated panels or laminated furniture for modern and functional homes. They participate in the development of visual strategies that refer to ideologies of intimacy and the family model. They unmask both the advertising that encourages the housewife to a highly targeted consumer, the propaganda which limits the latter into the straitjacket of a predefined role.


Kitchenette: 300 X 200 X 120cm
Photographie: Phil Wauters

Venstergalerie: Finissage 20 maart 2012 Kitchenette in Europark Linkeroever-Antwerpen (BE)
Curated by Marc Schepers